Install VMWare virtual machine with Infor software loaded/demo environment

Install VMWare virtual machine with Infor software loaded/demo environment

  2. Workstation Player 17
  1. Download the zip file to your PC using the link above. This may take some time depending on your internet connection.
  2. Create a folder on your C: drive named VM.
  3. Adjust permissions on the folder so users have Full Control.
  4. Copy file to VM folder.
  5. Right click the file in the VM folder and Exact All. This may take some time to fully extract. Proceed to step 6 once complete.
    1. If using 7zip right-click 7-Zip > Extract to DEMO10.
  6. Open VMWare Workstation Player from the start menu. Once open proceed to step 7.
    1. Your version may vary. Minimum required version is version 15 or later.
    2. Latest version can be downloaded from the Workstation Player 17 link above. 
  7. Open a Virtual Machine.
  8. Select the vmx file in the c:\VM\DEMO10 folder.
  9. Click Play Virtual Machine.
  10. When prompted, select "I Copied It". The VM will initialize and adjust to your laptop's hardware. The VM should auto-sign you in to the desktop.

See attached word doc for screenshots and additional details.
If assistance is required, please open an internal desk ticket for VBU-SYS.

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