Moving VISUAL Quality reports to new location

Moving VISUAL Quality reports to new location

Moved VISUAL Quality reports to a new location. Update the VISUAL Quality SQLBase or Oracle database after moving the VISUAL Quality reports to a new location.

Invalid file name


Here's a procedure for reinstalling the VQ reports when you change the location of the reports.

First make the VISUAL Quality database "forget" about the report paths stored in the database. To do this, you'll need to run the following statements in SQLTalk (for Oracle or SQLBase) or Oracle SQLPlus Worksheet (Oracle). If in doubt about using these tools, please consult your Database Administrator.

A description of what each statement accomplishes is preceded by '--'.

--This will delete the My Reports pathing information from the VQ database

--This will delete the Quick Reports pathing information from the VQ database

--This will reset the My Reports to an Uninstalled status

--This will reset the Quick Reports to an Uninstalled status

Next go into Quality and drill down to Admin -> Application Global -> My Reports Installer and use the interface to install the VQ My Reports into the database. You should receive a confirmation message indicating they were installed.

You will now be able to go into Admin -> Application Global -> Quick Reports Installer and install the VQ Quick Reports into the database. You should receive a confirmation message indicating they were installed.

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