To set it up:
1. As SYSADM, In Security in Visual Mfg, choose Single Sign on Maintenance.
a. Click the Single Sign on Enabled box, and then click the Activate All Users button:
c. Click Save.
2. Off the Security menu, click on Password Configuration.
a. You need to blank out all of the items.
c. Click Save.
3. Change your shortcut adding in -SSO. And, you may need to enter in -d and the database name:
a. E:\Visual\Visual908$\VMFG\VM.EXE -SSO -D VMFG
4. Now log out of Visual, and Single Sign (SSO) on should work.
5. If it does not work, the Visual user ID may not match the windows network user ID – see user ANDERS1M above for example. There is no matching windows network user ID for this Visual user ID.
6. So, as you can see, some auditor may not like the password configuration. However, a user cannot logon if they don’t have a windows network account. And their windows network account must conform to the domain level password configuration requirements.
7. To logon as SYSADM, you need to use a different shortcut – since there is no windows network SYSADM user. You have to add in a switch to the target line in the properties of the shortcut.
b. The target line is: E:\Visual\Visual908$\VMFG\VM.exe – SYSADM –d {database name}. This tells it to logon to the [database name} database as user SYSADM.
.Net (VTA):
To set it up:
1. Logon to the LSA database in Manage Databases (dbUtil) with the LSA user.
2. Click on the LSA database under Databases on the left hand side:
b. Click on the box to Enable Single Sign On, and click Save.
3. Expand the Users on the left hand side, and click on the users to enable SSO. This has to be done one by one.
b. Click the Single Sign On Enabled box, and click Save.
c. Repeat for all users.
4. Close Manage Databases, and launch Visual.Net.
b. It prepopulates your user ID and password, click on Sign In. If you want to logon as LSA, you have to use a different shortcut with the /SSO switch on the end – like C:\Visual\VISUAL.NET\Bin\Lsa.exe /SSO