Window handle in hwnd.template.var is invalid

Window handle in hwnd.template.var is invalid


'Window handle in hWnd.Template. Var is invalid' message when opening, closing or saving in a program that has Customizable User Defined Field (UDF).


There is a problem with one or more Customizable User Defined Fields that are in use in the program.  Data requires review and possible clean up.

There should not be more than 10 User Defined Fields (UDF) created for any module (such as Shipping Entry or Part Maintenance).
Users are allowed 10 numbers, 10 strings, 5 boolean's or 5 date/time fields.

The following select statement can be used and will return all values for the Tabs:
select * from USER_DEF_FIELDS where PROGRAM_ID = '<program>' and LABEL is not NULL;

Value in DATA_TYPE field can only be one of the following:
1 = Boolean
2 = Date/Time
3 = Number
5 = String
1005 = String List
1006 = Uniform Resource Locator

If there is a value in LABEL, there should be a value in DATA_TYPE, TAB_ID and SEQUENCE_NO fields as well.

Generally there will be a problem within one of the records returned from the above select statement that will require correction, such as a blank or incorrect value in one of the fields.

Infor KB 735022

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